How We Can Collaborate

You’re not a client to us; we’re collaborators here.

Marketing as a whole works best when everyone is involved and understands the strategy behind social media posts, blogs, and PR pushes. We’ll have a conversation about your work habits, determining how much time you realistically have to catch up each month and work on the business. This collaboration typically involves you reviewing the content marketing strategy we create for you and asking questions; taking a quick look at blogs we produce; or signing off on a decision to submit a piece to a website for PR purposes.

Together, we can create content with a corner store mentality.

Empathy marketing seeks to understand people on a deeper level, and “visiting the corner store” is a real life example of it in action. When you pop over to a store you love where you know the owner and your favorite items to buy, it’s comforting. When people work with you, they want to feel the same way. We travel around the world interacting with all types of people. And those experiences allow us to write customers personas that are more real and well-rounded. Any content we collaborate to create is inspired by those customer personas and is therefore giving them that same “this was made for me” feeling they’d get at their go-to shop.

Content marketing takes time, but it’s worth it.

Going from not too much marketing to suddenly doing quite a bit of marketing is a big deal—and we recognize the adjustment can be a lot to take in. Many of us are used to traditional advertising, seeing billboards line the highway or Xing out of pop-up ads. But the content marketing process is about offering value to your customers through written materials over a longer period of time. 

There’s a marketing principle called “the rule of seven,” which explains people have to interact with your business about seven times before they’ll make a purchase. It’s much easier for a customer to do that when they can access content that helps them solve their problems, learn something new, or otherwise.

Here are some of the content marketing services we provide:

  • Content Strategy
  • Articles & Blogs
  • Editing
  • Trend Reports
  • Case Studies
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Management
  • Public Relations

We try to add more content marketing info to our blog as much as possible. But if you have any further questions, we’d love to chat!